Temple University Press

Latin America needs public intervention to promote entrepreneurship in order to improve the quality of life and, in the long term, to make viable the possibilities of growth and economic and social development . This document compiles and analyses the main experiences and initiatives implemented to promote the participation of women and girls in the STEM sector. This study is an analytical and comparative document that includes the main experiences and initiatives implemented in the Latin American region to encourage the participation of women and girls in the STEM sector. The primary objectives of this study are to identify, contextualise, and analyse successful practices and initiatives at national and international levels for attracting, training, and promoting the participation of women and girls in STEM. The study systematises and compares policies and initiatives focused on gender equality in STEM. This list is by no means exhaustive, and further figures like Rosario Castellanos of Mexico and Celia Amorós of Spain should not be forgotten as they influenced the positions developed by these thinkers. All of these women dared to be thinkers at times when being a Latin American woman in philosophy was unheard of, and they have come to form the foundation of a canon of thinkers that paved the way for new and emerging voices.

  • I would encourage women to work together to ensure that no women are left behind.
  • These public policies must consider the cultural characteristics of each country and the statistical data, still scarce, about the situation of women entrepreneurs.
  • Our study is the first to apply a task-based approach with a gender perspective in this region.
  • In the field of anti-corruption, we have included gender in our analysis of corruption impact, especially through one of our key research tools, the Global Corruption Barometer.
  • Multiculturalism has been so widely demonized that it is challenging to recover its positive aspects, such as its promotion of a broader cultural dialogue between art practices in the Americas, as well as to analyze its lasting negative legacy.
  • Further studies on gender-based violence are recommended to measure the impact that this could have on women entrepreneurs.

There are cases where governments have generated specific programs and projects for small women-owned businesses, but they are not articulated to productive policies because they are not included in the economic agenda . The political context and the visibility of women in politics also influence the business field. Women in political positions can be an example of leadership; some research revealed that there is a relationship between women’s political power and the rates of female entrepreneurship . Conversely, women’s political empowerment and entrepreneurship support may be disconnected or be less evident for women. This would have a lesser impact on female business behaviors (Reference Brush, Ali, Kelley and Greene Brush et al. 2017). Holy Terrors presents exemplary original work by fourteen of Latin America’s foremost contemporary women theatre and performance artists. Many of the pieces—including https://lifeisgoodshirt.com/costa-rican-women-all-about-dating-costa-rican-women/ one-act plays, manifestos, and lyrics—appear in English for the first time.

Despite the fact that women-owned businesses favor economic development, job creation, family support, and poverty reduction, they still face environmental, legal, institutional, and cultural barriers . In relation to women entrepreneurship programs in several Latin American countries, there are public initiatives based on the policies in the region. The most used instruments are lines of financing, management and administration training, networks, access to credit, technical assistance to improve production, trade shows, seminars, meetings, and conferences, among others . Some of the programs to promote gender equity in women-owned businesses are shown in Table 5 . The legal and regulatory framework influences the start, formalization, and growth of women-owned businesses . There is clear progress in all Latin American countries; however, some countries emphasize more the maternity or gender-specific legal frameworks than the others do .

Women’s networks provide various services (meetings, forums, seminars, events, discussions, etc.), training, workshops, and personalized advice. They connect their partners with other professionals and influence the policies and laws to reduce the gender gap within the business and economic system. Networks also maintain a sense of partnering and interconnection and democratically manage the commitments and networks (Corporación Santiago Innova, n.d.).

The promotion of women entrepreneurs’ networks and associations is one of the most widely used public and private tools to support the development of women-owned businesses. Nevertheless, these are isolated projects that are not clearly articulated; hence, their effectiveness is relatively low .

More than 50% of women in Latin America reported having experienced stress “yesterday” in 2020, while 44% of men reported having felt that way. Lastly, the consequences of the pandemic, such as quarantine and mobility restrictions, remote school and work activities, and increased violence against women, have all negatively affected the day-to-day lives of Latin American women. In 2020, the World Poll found that 46% of women in Latin America said they did not have enough money at times to provide food for their family, while 35% of men said the same. Radical Women in Latin America challenges both stereotypical views of Latin American women as easily manipulated and portrayals of women’s activism as inherently progressive. This book will make clear that women are capable of defining their own interests and their political identities, organizing autonomously, and even using violence, if they deem it necessary to pursue their goals. Throughout our organization’s materials the word “Latino” will be used as the term to recognize and describe all of those who identify with Spanish heritage. To advance the education and quality of life of Latinos in the Charlotte Region through scholarships, academic, and cultural programs.

Latin America and the Caribbean Needs to Move Towards a Care Society for a Sustainable Recovery with Gender Equality

TheRegional Conference on Women in Latin America and the Caribbeanis a subsidiary body of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean and is the main regional intergovernmental forum on women’s rights and gender equality within the United Nations system. It is organised by ECLAC as Secretariat of the https://radiosaurio.wordpress.com/2023/02/08/study-of-women-and-gender-dominican-university/ Conference and, since 2020, with the support of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women). In the states we examined, slightly more than a quarter (26.2%) of Latinas have a college degree, on average.

Abortion deserts: America’s new geography of access to care – mapped

I am president of the Inter-Parliamentary Union , the global organization of national parliaments. It was founded 130 years ago as the first multilateral political organization in the world, encouraging cooperation and dialogue between all nations. As president, I direct the IPU activities, chair full meetings, and work for peace, democracy, human rights, gender equality, youth empowerment, and sustainable development through political dialogue, cooperation, and parliamentary actions. It is definitely worse in autocracies than in liberal democracies, which are thought to protect and advance those in need. In many countries, women are sexually extorted to get a job, access to health, education, or a social benefit. Corrupt police and corrupt judiciaries can also affect women and their children in lethal ways.

For the most part, researchers have concentrated on Caucasian girls and women from middle- to upper-class backgrounds, with few doctors even equipped with the language and questions to ask Latina sufferers. But even though researchers and physicians seem to overwhelmingly disregard Latinas in their work, eating disorders do not discriminate. A 2005studylooking at almost 2,000 Latinas ranging in age from 11 to 20 years old concluded that eating disorders are prevalent in all subgroups, illustrating that these illnesses cut across race, ethnicity, class and age. The content of this Model Protocol is based not only on technical elements—essential to understand the gendered dimension of the killings of women—but also on the experience and lessons learned by the people that participate in these cases day in and day out. The Latin American Model Protocol for the investigation of gender-related killings of women is a practical tool, designed to be applied by the people responsible for carrying out the investigation and prosecution of these acts.

More often than not, women’s ideas in regards to justice, equality, and political change converged with other political projects that focused on improving the poor working class’s conditions and not specifically women’s conditions. Their ideas for social change were molded into general claims about access to education and transformation of laboring material conditions. Ideas that are now coded as feminist are identified as such in retrospect, but in order to do them justice, they need to be accounted for in their historicity. Violence against women extends globally , and it has been recognized internationally that it threatens public health, violates human rights, and creates a barrier to economic development (Reference Bott, Guedes, Goodwin and Adams Bott et al. 2014).

At the end of the course, you will have in your hands the Business Plan and Cash Flow, a navigation map that will help you launch your business to the market. This program designed for Latina women was created in 2014 with the support of The Coca-Cola Foundation, with the purpose of offering women the opportunity to use their experiences, talents, skills, and interests in achieving personal and professional growth in the U.S.

It is organized by ECLAC as Secretariat of the Conference and, since 2020, with the support of the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN-Women). States, meanwhile, should track attainment by race and gender against their statewide attainment goals and establish interim metrics and targets for improvement. And investing in need-based scholarship programs that expand pathways to and through college for students of color would go a long way toward boosting access and degree completion. Lastly, since a high percentage of students of color start out at community colleges, states should improve transfer and articulation to smooth the transition between two- and four-year colleges. Gender equality is not a women’s issue; it is an issue for men as much as it is for women. If equality is advanced, it will be better for business, for public policy, for men, for children, for the family, and of course for women as well. A study by McKinsey states check here https://toplatinwomen.com/ that advancing women can add $12 trillion to global growth.